The quality

We take the quality of Dynnox very seriously. To ensure the durability and ease of use of our mobile transport system, we use only the best materials. This is why we have been awarded the TÜV certificate.

High-quality materials

Dynnox products are tested and checked throughout the production process. To guarantee quality, we use very high-quality materials, such as high-quality steel and stainless steel. With Dynnox, you can trust that you have sustainable in-vehicle equipment.

The TÜV certificate

Dynnox has been awarded the   TÜV certificate.  The TÜV certificate or TÜV quality mark is a confirmation that a product, service, process, or organization meets the requirements set in legislation, standards, and quality marks. This is a testament to the quality that we stand for.

Sustainable transport system

Our mobile transport system must be able to carry 250 kg, fold easily in and out of the commercial vehicle, be easy to move and be durable. The strength of Dynnox lies in its simplicity. The Dynnox undercarriage consists of only 14 unique parts! We have carefully developed this limited number of parts into parts of exceptional quality. In this way, we guarantee a sustainable and maintenance-friendly transport system.

Service & warranty

Quality also means professional service. That is why, together with our dealers, we are dedicated to ensuring that you can use your Dynnox for a long time with pleasure. In addition, we give you a 1-year warranty on all parts and assembly, provided that the Dynnox has been correctly assembled, tested and installed in your commercial vehicle  by a professional commercial vehicle fitter or coachbuilder. Please note that it is the responsibility of the professional installer to install the Dynnox in accordance with the applicable standards of your country.

Do you want to know more?

Dynnox is a unique loading, unloading and transport system for commercial vehicles. With different models and various surface-mounted modules, it is possible to tailor a suitable tool trolley for every industry and every commercial vehicle. The Dynnox transport system is safe, occupational health and safety friendly and time-saving.

Request or receive our brochure without obligation or contact us!


Dynnox is a unique loading, unloading and transport system for commercial vehicles. With various models and different installation modules, it is possible to create a customized tool trolley for every industry and every commercial vehicle. The Dynnox transport system is safe, ergonomic and time-saving.

Request or receive our brochure without obligation contact us.