The Applications

The demand from end-users, authorized dealers and commercial vehicle fitters for Dynnox is increasing exponentially. End-users see an opportunity to expand their service offerings through Dynnox’s multifunctional applications. For dealers and commercial vehicle fitters, Dynnox is an opportunity to expand their product range and services. Dynnox has three target groups: 

Multifunctional applications of the Dynnox undercarriage

The undercarriage is automatically locked in the car onto the car interface. All kinds of modules fit on the Dynnox undercarriage, such as (your existing or custom-developed) cabinets, machines, water tank, boxes, cool boxes and much more. We call these the installation modules.

You are free to place whatever you need on the Dynnox. Here, you naturally take your in-vehicle equipment into account. Do you load and/or unload through the side door of your vehicle and/or through the rear door?

The basic installation module

If you opt for a simple drawer unit with a wide shelf on top, you already have a basic installation module. This opens up countless possibilities for you. You can easily create all kinds of applications yourself to quickly load, unload and move your machines and/or goods. The installation module, which you place on the basic installation module, can be up to 30 cm wider than the frame itself.

The intermediate space of 16 cm (above the frame of the Dynnox up to the shelf) can be optimally utilized in various ways. For all three models, you will find specially developed drawers in our webshop that fit precisely between the legs and effectively fill this 16 cm.

Expansion of your commercial offer

The global circumstances in the current market demand a great deal of flexibility and agility from entrepreneurs. Performing work on-site has become more necessary and easier, with the simple and safe transport of equipment. As a result, organizations see opportunities to expand their service offerings, where this was previously not possible.

Consider, for example:

  • Demonstrating machines on-site at customers
  • Refilling fire extinguishers
  • Maintenance and calibration of measuring equipment
  • Quickly setting up a market stall

You also easily create new commercial activities thanks to the diversity and broad applicability of possible installation modules. For inspiration, be sure to browse through our portfolio.

Effortlessly moving your heavy equipment

Many organizations trade goods/resources that are difficult to move and challenging to load and unload due to their weight and/or volume.

Thanks to the basic installation module, much of this existing equipment can be carefully loaded, unloaded and transported by just one person with ease. This entails considerable cost savings for entrepreneurs.

Precisely by being able to easily move existing equipment, Dynnox offers these organizations incredible new opportunities.


Ready-made cabinet module

In collaboration with various cabinet suppliers, including Sortimo, Modul-system, Aluca, Beks, and Gema, our dealers are ready to help you with the design of the installation module that suits you best.

Of course, you will find the basic installation modules for all three models in our webshop. If you are looking for a suitable cabinet design or customization, we will be happy to advise you. Please contact us at:

Custom installation modules

For companies with specific activities, we develop custom installation modules, such as this water tank for interior planting. This is a professional-looking and time-saving solution that eliminates the need for carrying watering cans back and forth.

By integrating Dynnox within your business processes, a custom solution delivers substantial efficiency gains. With an investment of approximately 80 euros per month and a depreciation of 6 years (2 generations of a company car), there are many possibilities. This means a time-saving of at least two hours per month, in addition to occupational health and safety benefits and a better appearance towards your customers.

Optimization of logistics work processes

Several organizations have integrated Dynnox within their logistics processes, such as supply systems. Even in essential fields like the medical world, where every second counts, Dynnox makes an important difference.

By providing extremely creative solutions to everyday challenges, such as using two Dynnox XL36 models side by side, end-users can achieve crucial time savings.

These types of combinations of installation modules improve work processes, and therefore also the work culture within organizations; aspects that transcend the process of loading, unloading and transport much further.

Do you want to know more?

Dynnox is a unique loading, unloading and transport system for commercial vehicles. With different models and various surface-mounted modules, it is possible to tailor a suitable tool trolley for every industry and every commercial vehicle. The Dynnox transport system is safe, occupational health and safety friendly and time-saving.

Request or receive our brochure without obligation or contact us!

More about Dynnox

Would you like more information about the Dynnox transport system? Contact us or one of our authorized dealers at home or abroad. We would be happy to show you all the possibilities of our mobile commercial vehicle equipment! Dynnox is also always looking for collaboration with new partners to offer our customers even more options for suitable commercial vehicle equipment.

Do you see any opportunities? Let us know!


  • Completely mobile workstation

  • Collapsible

  • Module as desired

  • Good price/quality ratio


Dynnox is a unique loading, unloading and transport system for commercial vehicles. With various models and different installation modules, it is possible to create a customized tool trolley for every industry and every commercial vehicle. The Dynnox transport system is safe, ergonomic and time-saving.

Request or receive our brochure without obligation contact us.